
An arthrogram is a diagnostic imaging procedure performed to study the inside of a joint in great detail. The procedure involves an injection of contrast (dye) followed by a highly detailed CT or MRI. Most injections at Priority Radiology are performed using ultrasound guidance which uses no radiation, to help ensure a quick and accurate procedure.

Used to diagnose joint conditions and unexplained pain, arthrography is very effective at detecting disease within the ligaments, tendons and cartilage. It lets your doctor see alterations in structure and function of a joint and help to determine the possible need for treatment, including arthroscopy, open surgery or joint replacement. It’s most often used to help diagnose persistent, unexplained pain or discomfort within the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle.

Priority Radiology has long been the first choice in Southern Indiana for arthrography. If your procedure includes an MRI, we have two advanced Siemens MRI Machines for maximum comfort and the most detailed images. If it involves a CT scan, our Siemens Biograph Horizon PET/CT Scan unit provides more precise information and accuracy while offering you a simpler, quicker, more positive experience.

In addition, we offer evening and Saturday hours for your convenience, a group of seasoned technicians, a caring team, onsite radiologists to read your results, and a focus on your comfort from start to finish.